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How rain, snow and increasing Saharan dust affect solar power plants

Insurance has become crucial

Date publishedNovember 12, 2024sourceJutarnji list

More than a year has passed since the powerful storm that struck the continental part of Croatia, causing damages amounting to millions of euros, surpassing even the financial consequences of two major earthquakes.

Insurance has thus become a vital ally across nearly all industries, including solar power plants. Despite their highly durable panels, solar power plants cannot always withstand unpredictable weather phenomena like storms. Currently, the only company in Croatia offering ten-year insurance for solar power plants is ENNA Next, formerly ENNA Opskrba.

"At ENNA Next, our engineering team monitors the operation of our clients' solar power plants via a dedicated platform, detecting potential issues with every installed panel. This allows us to address problems promptly, often before owners even notice a drop in electricity production," explained Tomislav Bunjevac, Director at ENNA Next.

Read the full article on jutarnji.hr.
